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Cookbook of the Summer: Modern Mediterranean by Marc Fosh

Okay, as you may have seen on my stories from the weekend, I have a new favourite cookbook. Modern Mediterranean by Michelin-Star chef Marc Fosh, left me speechless as I travelled through the pages. This narrative cookbook is laced with gorgeous and simplistic full-page photos. It has accompanied me for many cozy evenings as I sit outside, curled up with a throw blanket on our patio furniture. This is the best book to peruse while enjoying the summer air and a nice glass of wine. I transcend through Mallorca one simple ingredient at a time.

The author took so much care to introduce every main ingredient - the cookbook is divided by main ingredients as chapters. All of the flavours of the region are explored and celebrated in this cookbook this way. Selecting an ingredient before selecting a recipe is actually my personal favourite way to cook, as it allows you to choose from what you have on hand. This was how my Italian grandmother always cooked and decided what to make, just as many others in Europe were taught- so it is neat to see this tradition revealed in this book.

Spanish cuisine does not get enough media attention in my opinion! This book brings light to a region of the Mediterranean that does not attract as much mainstream content as other parts. The book is visually encompassing, I felt like I was being guided on a tour of the chef's favourite places nearby his restaurant. Overall this book gave me a deeper appreciation and understanding of local cooking, climate, and culture. There is an emphasis on the simple ingredients that ultimately makes Mediterranean food so incredible, and the recipes that I have tried so far have been delicious (check out our seabass recreation below)!

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